Portugal: Top stories in 2020

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# Articles


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# Article Engagement
1 2,007,645
2 1,280,527
3 1,131,947
4 1,087,626
5 936,438
6 759,622
7 750,778
8 635,399
9 562,107
10 504,437
11 459,791
12 447,445
13 444,824
14 438,752
15 430,273
16 419,365
17 404,074
18 386,936
19 379,355
20 363,641
21 344,747
22 341,189
23 332,521
24 328,102
25 302,553
26 295,755
27 294,908
28 293,977
29 282,810
30 280,360
31 269,412
32 264,559
33 256,643
34 251,229
35 250,957
36 250,324
37 250,155
38 248,057
39 244,629
40 240,230
41 238,900
42 236,630
43 234,662
44 234,365
45 230,280
46 228,389
47 225,546
48 224,892
49 223,400
50 222,789
51 219,747
52 217,069
53 216,745
54 213,654
55 211,990
56 211,938
57 210,631
58 201,405
59 200,951
60 199,629
61 194,462
62 192,646
63 188,891
64 188,634
65 187,160
66 185,625
67 185,010
68 179,468
69 178,373
70 172,145
71 171,298
72 170,137
73 168,905
74 168,209
75 167,984
76 167,209
77 164,696
78 164,013
79 162,459
80 160,860
81 160,084
82 159,012
83 159,001
84 158,572
85 157,889
86 157,514
87 157,368
88 156,645
89 156,317
90 155,850
91 155,759
92 155,561
93 154,637
94 154,049
95 153,097
96 152,778
97 151,859
98 151,109
99 151,016
100 150,708